27 abril 2013


Mi compi china
se ríe de mí ja ja
porque hago haikus
Ella vino aquí
porque quería bailar
flamenco jur jur 
Nick siempre habla inglés
así aprende el español
de Expaña ha ha

24 abril 2013

22 abril 2013

Sister statement

It is not because that wind was quite, how to say... windy. That wasn't only a van. We were pirates trying to catch some cutlery by the mills. Actually it was quite, how to say, windy... 
But is it not because of that windy wind. It is not just because you let me bang. So I did. Bang. 

It is because today I have to scream, I must stop that windy wind, and say: God Duck bless that Mother Earth Day!
 And: God Duck bless those two holy ducks! Because on that day you become my bro. And... to be honest... you are the biggest tree I've ever known... 

And here you are, with your eyes closed as if you trust me, as if we were made of the same wood...  

02 abril 2013

El Arlanzón un sábado de crecida


Levantarse de la siesta aturdida. Menearse la melena y salir descalza. Darse cuenta de que esa luz no era Jesucristo en el domingo de resurección. Bostezar. Volver a meterse debajo de la colcha.